ALTI VITAL - Gel Drink
ALTI VITAL presented in a drinkable gel with a rich mint flavor, is a mixture of plants from the Andes and the Amazon jungle, each recognized for its health benefits.
ALTI VITAL is recommended in places at altitudes above 2,000 meters above sea level, also in means of transport (car, plane, train and boat).

Coca leaves
Erythroxylum Coca
The coca leaf is found in the eastern side of the Andes (at the border of the Amazon Rainforest) of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. It is cultivated in mountainous and humid regions between 300 and 1,500 meters above sea level (1,000 and 5,000 feet).
It is a bush which grows up to 1.5 m (5 feet) tall, with dark green leaves measuring 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) in length. They are oval and pointed on both ends, similar to a laurel. It has small white flower and ovoid red fruit.

Properties of the coca leaf
- Anesthetic
- Pain reliever
- Stimulant
- Soothing and sedative
- Digestive
- Eliminates fatigue
- Improves blood circulation
- Prevents cavities
The Andean people chew dried leaves with a little piece of “llipt’a” (it looks like a small pebble) made of the ashes of plants like quinoa or kiwicha, allowing the effects of the alkaloids to be enhanced. After several minutes, an anesthetic effect is felt in the mouth. The leaves are not eaten, but rather spit out after 30 minutes.
Coca tea, or “mate de coca” is recommended for treating altitude sickness and is offered in all Andean hotels and restaurants.

Coca tea is recommended to relieve the symptoms of altitude sickness and is offered in all Andean hotels and restaurants.
Now you can find various products that include coca leaves such as candies, chocolates, drinks, etc.
Today one can find many different coca products, including candy, chocolate, drinks, etc.
Minthostachys mollis
The muña grows in the Andes from 2,700 meters above sea level. It is a shrub that can measure up to 1.20 m in height with small leaves and white flowers.
At high altitudes, muña is excellent for stomach upset, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

Mountain sickness
When symptoms of altitude sickness appear, guides in the Lake Titicaca region usually give tourists bouquets of muña that they rub between their hands and then inhale, thus relieving dizziness, freeing the bronchi and decongesting the airways.
Stomach ache
The leaves and flowers of the muña are taken as an infusion to relieve bloating and stomach pain, facilitate digestion and prevent gas, also helping to eliminate intestinal parasites.
Recent studies in 2007 have made it possible to discover that muña facilitates the elimination of Helicobacter pylori from the body, a bacteria responsible for stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, food poisoning, gastritis and gastroenteritis, as well as most ulcers.
It is a plant whose underground stem is a rhizome. Native to East Asia, it grows in all tropical regions of the world. Currently, China and Peru are the main ginger producers.
This plant has been recognized for thousands of years for its numerous medicinal properties, as a flavoring in the cuisine of various countries and in drinks such as Ginger Ale.

Benefits of ginger


Several studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark on sea cadets and people with a predisposition to seasickness demonstrated the extremely high effect of ginger, preventing dizziness and nausea.
Nausea and vomiting

Several studies have shown its antiemetic effect (ability to prevent or stop nausea and vomiting) thanks to its oleoresin content, mainly during pregnancy, after surgery and related to motion sickness or motion sickness (by sea, air, car or train) and altitude sickness. In 1999, the WHO recognized the usefulness of ginger for its powerful effects on nausea and vomiting.

Ginger stimulates the secretion of bile and the activity of different digestive enzymes leading to faster digestion. It is used to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as colic, diarrhea, indigestion and flatulence.
Paullinia cupana
Guarana is a small fruit from the Amazon rainforest with a generally orange-red shell that opens when ripe, revealing the white pulp and black seeds as eyes.
This plant contains the highest concentration of caffeine (called guaranine in guarana), 2 to 3 times more than coffee beans.
Guarana is generally found in the composition of energy drinks.

- Stimulant
- Relieves headaches
- Digestive
- Diuretic
- Pain reliever
- Improves brain performance
- Enhances sports performance
Guarana mainly has a beneficial effect on energy and alertness. Its high tannin content (up to 12%) allows guaranine (or caffeine) to disperse more slowly and with less violence, thus avoiding the state of agitation and nervousness typical of coffee consumers.
Recommended dose
As a preventive measure for height:
1 sachet every 8 hours
It can be taken half an hour before arriving at the heights.
Continue for 2 or 3 days at altitude.

Or since the onset of symptoms:

If symptoms do not disappear completely after 20 minutes:
+ 1 sachet

Are there restrictions on consuming Alti Vital?
Alti Vital has been consumed for 10 years, more than 5 million to date, and no side effects have been reported.
Frequently, people contact us before purchasing it, asking about specific cases:
Yes, from 4/5 years old.
Guarana in its composition contains caffeine, about 20 mg per capsule. For comparison, it takes 5 capsules of Alti Vital to ingest the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee (about 100 mg).
In theory, there are no restrictions for pregnant women without complications. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions
They talk about their experiences with Alti Vital

I will go to Tibet and I wanted to bring with me some packs of Alti Vital, which I used last year in Peru, and which have been very effective in preventing altitude sickness.
Can I find Alti Vital for sale in Italy?

Can we buy this online to be shipped to the US?
This worked great for us at lake Titikaka.

Can you send me 10 packeges of Alti Vital to Israel?
I need it for my illness i discover it when i visit in Peru ans it helps me on daily basis with my migraine
Thank you

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