They tell about their experiences
Desde la primera toma te ayuda a llegar tranquila y sin ninguna molestia en la cabeza! En 2 o 3 días de tratamiento, ya puedes subir hasta los 4,000 metros sin ningún problema. Muchas gracias!!!
They are very good
Hola buenas tardes!, quisiera saber si hacen envíos soy de Mexico y probé las pastillas cuando fui al Perú, son muy buenas, traje un paquete pero ya se me acabaron y quisiera comprar un par de cajas más
It helps me on daily with my migraine
I want to know what is the best way to buy 10 packeges of alti vital and sent it by mail to Israel. Payment will transfer by advance. I need it for my illness i discover it when i visit in Peru ans it helps me on daily basis with my migraine.
Thank you
Dizziness and nausea
Thank you very much.
Visitei o Peru no mês de setembro e usei o produto Alti Vital. Normalmente tenho vertigens e enjoos, porém ao usar o produto me senti muito bem. Vivo no Brasil, na cidade de Florianópolis e gostaria de usá-lo, como posso obter o Alti Vital ???
Muito obrigado.
Magnificent product
necesito poder comprar ALTIVITAL, estoy por viajar al cusco y me hace falta este magnifico producto pero no se como comprarlo. espero respuesta. Gracias
It worked perfectly
Is there a problem in continuing to take one daily in Lima (or more)?
Lo probé la semana pasada en mi viaje a Kuelap creo que funcionó perfectamente. Hay algún problema en seguir tomando una diaria en Lima (o más)?
This worked great
Effective product
I discovered your effective product during a stay in Peru. Is it possible to get it in France (Paris)? Or maybe Argentina or Chile (friends there). Thanks
J’ai découvert votre produit efficace lors d’un séjour au Pérou. Est-il possible de se le procurer en France (Paris)? Ou peut-être en Argentine ou au Chili (amis sur place). Merci
Migraine and headaches
It relieves me to know that they are natural and that I can trust them. They also prevented me from a couple of headaches.
I highly recommend them to my friends and acquaintances.
Tome dos capsulas cuando tuve un ataque de migraña, y empecé a mejorar y a sentir menos dolor y malestar general.
Me alivia saber que son naturales y que puedo confiar en ellas.
Tambien me previnieron un par de jaquecas.
Las recomiendo demaisado a mis amigos y conocidos
For mountain guides
I am a Spanish mountain guide (from Barcelona). I am going to do high mountains in Mexico and I would like to know if I can buy your product in CDMX. I would also like to promote it in Spain for my colleagues from the Spanish Association of Mountain Guides.
Thank you very much and receive an attentive greeting.
Soy guía de montaña español (de Barcelona). Voy a hacer alta montaña en Mexico y quisiera saber si puedo comprar su producto en CDMX. También me gustaría promocionarlo en España para mis compañeros de la Asociación Española de Guías de montaña.
Muchas gracias y reciban un atento saludo.
Natural medicine which really helps
Travel guide
Je travaille depuis de nombreuses années comme accompagnateur de voyage au Pérou et en Bolivie pour des groupes de touristes francophones. Depuis que j’ai découvert Altivital je le recommande à mes clients touristes pour affronter le mal d’altitude. Je l’utilise aussi quand je pars avec mes groupes. Avec Altivital je n’ai aucun problème de mal d’altitude. Au départ mes clients sont un peu retissant pour certains et quand ils essayent après, ils disent que ca leur fait du bien. C’est un produit naturel.
It works very well
I tried alti vital when I was in peru. It works very well.
Because I want to climb other mountain, and I want to ask Do you have online shop? Can you mail to Taiwan?
Thank you so much.
I felt very good with your product
I live in Portugal I have been to Peru and I felt very good with your product now I am going to travel and I needed to take Altivital but I can't find it in Portugal, can you send it to me for a refund? Thank you very much for your attention.
Olá vivo em Portugal já estive no perú e senti me muitobem com o vosso produto agora vou viajar e precisava de tomar Altivital mas em Portugal não encontro será que me podem mandar contra reembolso?
Agradeço muito a atenção.
Fatigue and headache
I got to know Alti Vital in Peru recently. It is really good… although when being very tired or against headache.
Where can I buy it in Europe? Or even better in Switzerland?
We have high mountains in Switzerland, too. And I am sure there are people who would love to buy Alti Vital here.
Thanks for reaching back to me on this and regards, Sandra.
Excellent result
Last year I was in Peru and the guide advised us on Altivital against altitude sickness.
Excellent result.
Soon we will go to Chile, to San Pedro de Atacama and there will also be problems with altitude sickness. The question is: will we find Altivital there or not?
But is it possible to buy it online? I thank you for the attention you wish to give to the present.
el año pasado estuve en Perú y la guía nos aconsejó sobre Altivital contra el mal de altura.
Excelente resultado.
Pronto iremos a Chile, a San Pedro de Atacama y también habrá problemas para el mal de altura.
La pregunta es: ¿encontraremos Altivital allí o no?
Pero, ¿es posible comprarlo en línea?
Te agradezco por la atención que deseas dar al presente.
Recommended by a friend
Hola vivo en California y deseaba saber si estas pastillas las puedo adquirir aquí en usa o si ustedes las pueden enviar un amigo me las recomendado dice que son muy buenas gracias
Migraine and energy
Las mejores pastillas ! Sufro de migraña y me ayudan a calmarlo en el comienzo, me dan energías y me hacen sentir muy bien, se volvieron mis mejores aliadas 🤩
Distribution in Mexico
Soy de México y me interesa comprar y distribuir aquí el producto altivital.
You're my savior
Goodbye hangover and headache
What I had was a hangover from drinking too much at a meeting. I took a couple of these wonderful pills and goodbye hangover and headache
Goodbye discomfort
100% recommended
Supe que la pastilla es natural y que alivia las náuseas
Lo que yo tenía era una resaca por tomar demás en una reu
Tome un par de Estas maravillosas pastillas y adiós resaca y dolor de cabeza
Adios malestar
100% recomendado
Buy AltiVital in Paris
I tried AltiVital in Peru last year and would like to buy some for an upcoming start at altitude. Is it possible to buy AltiVital in Paris or else to order it online?
Thanks in advance
J’ai essayé AltiVital au Pérou l’année dernière et je souhiaterais en acheter pour un prochain départ en altitude. Est-ce possibel d’acheter AltiVital à Paris ou sinon de le commander par internet ?
Merci par avance
Altivital for traveling to Tibet
I want to know if it is possible to buy your product. I am in Italy and I want to buy your capsules Altivital. I have already tried these capsules last year in Peru. This year I want to go to Tibet and I want to know if you can send me a box of capsules. I can pay cash on delivery or with bank. I would appreciate your reply.
A cordial greeting
Buenos días,
Quieto saber si es posible comprar su producto.
Estoi en Italia y quieto comprar su capsula Altivital. Yà he provato estas capsula l’año passo en Peru. Este año quieto ir a Tibet y quieto saber si ustedes pueden enviarme una confecciones de capsula.
Piedi pagar en contrassegna o con banco.
Le agradecería su respuesta.
Purchase for a pharmacy in France
We are a pharmacy in the French Alps (Savoy)
We are interested in purchasing your product for mountain sickness altivital
Thank you for giving me the coordinates to place an order for your product.
Nous sommes une pharmacie des alpes françaises (savoie).
Nous sommes à la recherche de l’achat de votre produit altivatal mal des montagnes.
Merci de me donner les coordonnées pour faire une commande de votre produit.
Please, you can communicate with me by: E-mail: ….
Saludos, quiero agradecerles el tiempo. Les escribo por que soy de Puerto Rico y he viajado a los Estados Unidos por más de 30 años a ski y siempre he padecido del mal de altura. Me pongo grave. Fui a Machupichu hace 10 años y me dieron té de coca en el hotel y no me dio Altitude sickness. He tratado de conseguir té de coca en los EU y no he encontrado. Mi hermano viajo este verano a Machupichu y le rogué q me trajera algo para la altura. Me trajo sus pastillas. Estoy en los EU como tradición de familia todos los años y NO ME DIO ALTITUDE SICKNESS!!!! Dios mio, es un milagroooo!!!!! Quiero agradecerles por lo que hucieron y quisiera saber si hay alguna forma de que pueda comprarles las pastillas.
Por favor, se pueden comunicar conmigo por: E-mail: ….
Stomach pains
I would like to be able to continue to consume your product in France because I had the happy surprise to find that it soothes my stomach pains (which are due to the aftermath of an ulcer operation). Indeed during my trip to Peru from 04/14/2018 to 05/07/2018 by consuming ALTIVITAL against altitude sickness (whose name I had discovered by reading a forum on trips to Peru), very quickly my usual nocturnal stomach pains faded and disappeared.
Since I can't find a reseller, can you sell this product to me directly?
In the meantime and hoping to obtain a favorable response, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards and in advance that of my gratitude.
Madame, Monsieur,
Je voudrais pouvoir continuer à consommer votre produit en France car j’ai eu l’heureuse surprise de constater qu’il apaise mes douleurs d’estomac (qui sont dues aux suites d’une opération d’un ulcère). En effet lors de mon voyage au Pérou du 14/04/2018 au 07/05/2018 en consommant ALTIVITAL contre le mal des montagnes (dont j’avais découvert le nom à la lecture d’un forum sur les voyages au Pérou), très rapidement mes douleurs nocturnes habituelles d’estomac se sont estompées puis ont disparu.
Etant donné que je n’arrive pas à trouver un revendeur pouvez vous me vendre directement ce produit?
Dans l’attente et en espérant obtenir une réponse favorable, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées et d’avance celle de ma gratitude.
Excellent product
My husband and I bought (in Arequipa) and used your excellent product against altitude sickness in Peru last summer.
We also appreciated its effects because we had a very good time even at 6000 meters and this, when you don't take trips organized by agencies, is essential.
This year, we have a family member who will spend 3 weeks in Ladak (North India), trekking in the mountains at 3500-5000 meters of altitude. He will leave on August 12th.
Please tell me where and how I can buy your product, so as to avoid the risk of getting sick.
I await your prompt reply.
Yours sincerely.
Buona sera. Io e mio marito abbiamo comprato (ad Arequipa) e usato il vostro eccelente prodotto contro il male di altitudine in Perù la scorsa estate. Abbiamo apprezzato i suoi effetti anche perché siamo stati molto bene anche a 6000 metri e questo, quando non si fanno viaggi organizzati da agenzie, è fondamentale. Quest’anno, abbiamo un familiare che trascorrerà 3 settimane in Ladak (nord dell’India), facendo trekking in montagna a 3500-5000 metri di altitudine. Partirà il 12 agosto. Vi prego, ditemi dove e come posso acquistare il vostro prodotto, così da evitargli il rischio di stare male. Attendo una vostra sollecita risposta. Dinstinti saluti.
Can you send me some to France?
I eagerly await your response!
Bon, ça n’a pas traîné pour que je teste en temps réel et en dehors de l’altitude les gélules ! Ce matin aura important avec flou visuel et apparition d’une migraine ! J’ai immédiatement pris 2 gélules et la migraine ne s’est pas installée ! Juste une douleur présente mais acceptable pour continuer à travailler ! 2 heures après j’en ai repris une el là, disparition totale de la douleur !! C’est la première fois depuis très très longtemps que je suis soulagée par autre chose qu’un triptan !! Bon maintenant mon souci c’est comment me réapprovisionner en gélules ? Peux-tu m’en envoyer en France? J’attends ta réponse avec impatience!
This medicine works great!
I highly recommend it!
L’utilisation m’a été recommandée pour les maux de ventre !
Ce médicament fonctionne très bien !
Je vous le recommande fortement !
Distribution in Costa Rica
Buenos días! Quisiera distribuir Altivital en Costa Rica. Como podemos ponernos en contacto?
Prevents altitude sickness
Next September I will go to Tibet and I wanted to bring with me some packs of Alti Vital, which I used last year in Peru, and which have been very effective in preventing altitude sickness. Can I find Alti Vital for sale in Italy?
How much would it cost to receive 3 packages of Alti Vital in Italy, including shipping costs? What payment method do you accept?
Thank you
Il prossimo Settembre andro’ in Tibet e volevo portare con me alcune confezioni di Alti Vital, che ho utilizzato l’anno scorso in Perù, e che sono state molto efficaci nel prevenire il mal de montagna. Posso trovare Alti Vital in vendita in Italia?
Quanto costerebbe ricevere in Italia 3 confezioni di Alti Vital, incluse le spese di spedizione?
Quale metodo di pagamento accettate ?
Results of Alti Vital
before performing a trek in Ladakh, and in view of the results of ATI Vital, I would like to get some.
Where can I find it in France?
If not, where can we order it?
devant effectuer un trek au Ladakh, et au vu des résultats d’ATI Vital, je souhaiterais m’en procurer.
Où puis-je en trouver en France ?
Sinon, où pourrait-on en commander ?